Do not promise if you not sure you can do it

I was already Zzzzzzzz when hubby came back last night. He walked to the bed side and told me to wake him up at 7am in the next morning. My eyes was half opened, 'ok!'
This morning, after feeding Sebatian at 7am, i still slumber going down stairs, had breakfast, iron hubby's pants....
At 8am, as usual, wake hubby up. He was too tired and asked me to give him another wake up call after 5 mins. I said, 'ok!'
After 5 mins, hubby woke up and look at the clock, 'Oh shit! 8+! I have a meeting this morning!'
Alamak............I totally forgot about that! Seems like an alarm clock is more reliable than a busy + forgetful lady :p


sqkiki said…
wah..u don have alarm clock at home meh?? oso don have lah..:p
body oledi use to wakeup at usual time..hehe
Hubby wake up time is 8am everyday mah, so forgat today he has to wake up at 7 lor. die ler.......dun know he kena from the boss or not.
jazzmint said…
keke...i share alarm clock with hubby, but usually he wakes up like 430 to prepare go airport and at the same time i oso blur blur wake up and reset the alarm to one time i accidentally off it, overslept 30mins..lucky didn't miss flight, or else tai wok lorrr
Lazymama said…
Haha, better trust the alarm clock than a sleepy wife!
Anonymous said…
Yeah usually i trust the alarm clock more than my hubby and vise versa.
Allyfeel said…
haha...ur hubby also likes to hv additional 5 minutes after wake up call one. My one ask for more 5 minutes after another. I gave up sometimes. :)
geeth said…
my husband seldom needs my help. thank god, coz' i have not one, not two 5 minutes, but dozens, before I really get up.
mom2ashley said…
every minute of sleep counts in the morning mannn!
Anonymous said…
hei, your hubby's wake up line so much same like my hubby--start with "oh shit!..." hahaha...ya, I told hubby to wake me up so I can wake hhim up.
Anonymous said…
hoho sometimes it is memang hard to wake up someone at a different time that we usually wakes them up. I do forget to wake up my friends at times too, even with his alarm ringing and he is still sleeping. :p
jazzmint, wah 4:30am, i was still in my dreamland, sky falls also dun know.

jefferene, ya lor, have to work + take care of kid, double tired leh.

michelle, thanks for human invention!

allyfeel, 5+5+5+5+5..... = goreng sotong!

geetha, u r such a lucky lady!

mom2ashley, yes...i miss those days when i could sleep till i felt like wanted to wake up :(

maria, haha....common till ur 2 beels also know how to use it!

surfnux, so glad that u understand this! kam cheng! *give you 5*
Anonymous said…
hoho to ce to ce.
Twin said…
my hubby also have problems waking up in the morning especially if he sleeps late. his rational was becos he see me sleeping so happily so, he sleep loh ... aiyaya.
Twin said…
before you have a kid, sleeping until noon seems like heaven .. now that you have a kid, its impossible. Argggg...
Greenapple said…
the best alarm clock nowadays-> cell phone (handphone)!

haha, a fun story .. i know it wasn't fun for your hubby that day ... thanks for sharing! =)
twin, wah.....what a good excuse! Ok, if my hubby scold me, I'll tell him 'I see u sleeping happily, so i also sleep happily!'

greenapple, I thought of that too. Just worried someone might ring me up to ask me go to toilet in the middle of the nite.......
1+2mom said…
my hubby his alarm set at 7am but we wakeup at 7.30am. His hp alarm keep make noise every 5 to 10 min, till i also wakeup liao.

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