
Showing posts from March, 2005


妹妹有一天很开心地对我说:“姐,有个喜欢我的男生,叫我小樱哩!“ (妹妹的名字叫樱樱) “什么小樱嘛?“ “喜欢一个人,就会给他取个小名, 叫起来甜一些, 亲密一些的。 如加个小字。“ “真的吗? 那太多人喜欢我了!“ “姐你说真的吗?“ “是啊! 每个人都叫我— 小姐 !“

My high low pregnancy moment

My high pregnancy moment……… We enjoy each visit to the gynae, observing the development of our precious baby, from a tiny cell, to an 8 pounder! There was a time the ultrasound image showed our baby moving his tongue in and out from his jaws. The doctor said: ’ See, your baby is giving you a monkey face!’ We laughed out happily! And my low pregnancy moment…… I always wish to have a normal birth to help to initiate bonding with my baby. Unfortunately I couldn’t have fully dilated cervix after 6 hours of induction. It ended up with a C-section labour and I was crying for disappointment in the operation theater. Thank god I could form the bonding by breastfeeding my baby after the birth, and I’m still doing it today!