1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, TEAR!
Before Sebastian's bed time, I decided to read his Numbers Cards together with him. So that he will get bored very fast and knock off :p Mommy : 'ONE !' Sebastian : '......................' *stared at the card* Mommy : 'TWO !' Sebastian : '......................' *stared at the card* Mommy : 'THREE !' Sebastian : '......................' *stared at the card* Mommy : 'FOUR !' Sebastian : 'TEAR!' Mommy : '.............................' Sebastian : 'TEAR!' Mommy : 'Har?' Sebastian : 'TEAR!' Mommy : 'Oh TEN ! Not yet, not yet! ' Mommy : 'FIVE !' Sebastian : 'TEAR!' Mommy : 'SIX !' Sebastian : 'TEAR!' Mommy : 'SEVEN !' Sebastian : 'TEAR!' Mommy : ' Not yet TEN lar!' Sebastian : 'TEAR!' Mommy : 'Ok lar! EIGHT, NINE, TEN !' Sebastian : 'TEAR!' *And messed up all the card like playing mah jiong*